Experimenting with the 'Moiré Effect' on Harmonographic Oscillations

Moiré patterns occur when displaced and overlapping lines of similar or identical structure create an interference effect. A common place to find them are in naturally occurring wave interferences. Here, I have taken some harmonic oscillations that were drawn by gravity and I've overlapped them in various ways to get the Moiré, or 'marbled' effect. The overlapping effect is sometimes also referred to as stereoscopic interference. I think the patterns are really interesting from a visual-perceptual point of view, which is the reason I decided to make these.

Moiré No. 1

Moiré No. 1

Moiré No. 2

Moiré No. 2

Moiré No. 3

Moiré No. 3

Moiré No. 4

Moiré No. 4

Moiré No. 5

Moiré No. 5